Obstacle to healthy growth
“Iron deficiency is one of the most common causes of anemia in children. Iron is a mineral involved in the formation of red blood cells in the body and is important for many vital functions. However, children are at risk of iron deficiency as a result of inadequate iron intake or inadequate absorption of iron.
Iron deficiency can hinder children’s healthy growth. Since iron is a mineral that plays a role in many vital functions from brain function to the immune system, if iron deficiency is not treated, it can lead to developmental delay. It is of great importance that parents observe their children well and consult their doctors immediately when they notice a symptom, even if there is no symptom, it is of great importance that they do not interrupt the routine examinations of their children. Iron deficiency anemia can cause low energy and constant fatigue in children. If you notice a significant drop in your child’s energy level, it is recommended to have their iron levels checked.”
Causes loss of appetite
“Iron deficiency in children can cause discoloration of the face and lips. In addition, children with iron deficiency often lose their appetite. Therefore, it may be advisable to encourage them to regularly consume iron-rich foods (red meat, chicken, fish, dried fruits, legumes, green leafy vegetables, etc.) in combination with treatment. Iron deficiency in children can also make them more vulnerable to infections. As a result, they may get sick much more often.”
Fast food should not be consumed
“One of the most important points in the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency in children is to establish a balanced nutrition program for your child and to encourage your child to follow this program. It should be ensured that children prefer natural and nutritious foods instead of fast food, sugary snacks and convenience foods as much as possible. In addition, foods containing vitamin C can be included in the diet as they will increase iron absorption. Iron supplements should only be used as prescribed and recommended by your doctor. Iron deficiency can be diagnosed and treated early with routine examinations and tests.”