built by a team of health professionals in 2021, has the mission of bringing together reliable products with users, taking into account the needs in the field of health, and informing users by expert teams.
In recent years, when it has become difficult to access healthy living conditions and proper eating habits, the need for access to this information has increased. However, there is an incredible amount of information pollution on social media and other online platforms. At this point, aims to guide its users to reach the right information and, when necessary, products with the right and reliable content., which started out with the slogan “Every way to health”, will continue its function with the principle of user-friendly, high accessibility and reliability at the reliable consultancy point needed.
Free access expert teams follow the developments in functional medicine, nutrition and sports supplements, nutrition and consultancy specific to diseases, and new generation nutrition products. It produces content in line with user demands related to these and makes these content available online free of charge., which started out with the principle of “health for all”, carries out studies for our pet friends, contrary to the usual; Conducts product research and evaluations. expert team is always with our health professionals and pharmacists in terms of nutritional supplements and product management, and conducts training and information organizations. makes foreign sales partners and distributorship agreements for the product groups on which it works in cooperation with FocusOnExport. Healthwayturkey, which also carries out successful studies on micro-export, market research and export procedures with FocusOnExport, which is related to domestically produced food supplements, sports nutritional supplements, cosmetics and personal care products, and orthopedic products, continues to bring many product groups together with consumers abroad.